Get ready for the excitement! At Sally Reps we are all about getting in our daily push-ups, 8 hours of sleep, and eating kale. But this year our resolution focus has moved from physical to creative. Starting in January our team will be juggling their own personal projects while shooting commercially. Why? You ask. To stay fresh, engaged and excited about the creative possibilities. As full-time commercial artists it’s easy to forget about why you got into the biz in the first place—Personal Creation. And for that reason, we are putting our artists to the test. In this first quarter we are asking that everyone on the roster come up with a personal project complete with collaborators. The idea is to take the commercial out of commercial art to push creative boundaries and discover new possibilities. Last year, in 2023, we had several artists who decided to spend their free time cooking up some new story ideas. Here is just a sampling of what we saw. We are super excited to see more from the entire team of people including photographers, directors, stylists and retouchers. Stay tuned for the results!

Creative New Year's Resolutions in 2024
Sally Bjornsen
Sarah Flotard Creating New Food and Lifestyle Work, Collaborating with Jon Birdseye Retoucher, Molly Hurd Stylist and Food Stylists Suzy Bichl and Patty Whittmann

George Barberis enjoys working with a stylist who brings a lot to the party. With these two projects, "Sneakers" and "Pretty Things," George sought out stylists Rachel Grunig and Beverly James Neel. The results were amazing!

When it came to creative inspiration Alison Blomgren was on fire last year. She shot new images every chance she could--with a wide range of images shot in studio and on location. Some of her collaborators included retoucher Jon Birdseye and styislts Rachel Grunig, Lauren Day, Mandy Kehoe and Lindsey Watkins

Photographer/Director Troy Nebeker is a regular at the gym, whether or not it's the new year and thank the gods because this guy likes to do his personal projects on the edge of his seat. Whether Troy is surfing giant world-class waves on a jet ski, or in a water safety certification course or on the slopes of a mountain, he is capturing images that make us go "What the Heck." Here are some of Troy's highlights from the year!